Frequently Asked Questions
My child is just a few months old. Is it worth it for me to join now, or should I wait till s/he is older and can participate in the activities?
MOMS Club® is a support and activities organization, available to stay-at-home and part-time-working mothers. Whether your child is a newborn, six months old, or six years old, you need support. Weekly playgroups are one way to meet other moms with young children. These regular and small gatherings allow you to connect with moms who are going through – or recently did – the same things you are: challenges with breastfeeding, sleeping through the night, introducing solids, learning to crawl, and the first word. As for other activities – whether a gathering in someone’s home or an outing – as a member, you are always welcome to come and bring your baby of course. Many of us realize that MOMS Club® is as much for the moms as it is for the kids. So we encourage you to join so that you can socialize for yourself - that's what new moms need!
I work full-time, but I’d like to meet other moms. Can I join?
All mothers are welcome to join, though the schedule of activities and events cater to stay-at-home and part-time-working moms. That is, almost all MOMS Club® playgroups and events take place on weekdays, generally between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.
I don’t live in North Wales, Upper Gwynedd, or Montgomery Township, but I have a friend in your club. Can I join MOMS Club® of North Wales?
MOMS Club® International sets boundaries for each individual chapter for a few reasons. First, as the children get to know each other while they are growing up, many of them will end up attending the same school when they live nearby to each other. Second, from a practical standpoint, it is more convenient for meetings, playgroups, and other gatherings that members all live within a few miles of each other. If you live outside of the areas noted above, please contact MOMS Club® International to be connected with a MOMS Club® in your community.
What is the $20 annual membership fee used for?
The bulk of our budget is used towards service projects to support our community. Our chapter pays a small fee to MOMS Club® International, and some funds are used for administrative expenses (room rental for meetings, photocopies, postage for mailings, etc.). In previous years, we have adopted a family in the local area to provide food for a Thanksgiving dinner. We have also donated to MOMS Club® International to pay the fees for a chapter in Africa.
MOMS Club® is a support and activities organization, available to stay-at-home and part-time-working mothers. Whether your child is a newborn, six months old, or six years old, you need support. Weekly playgroups are one way to meet other moms with young children. These regular and small gatherings allow you to connect with moms who are going through – or recently did – the same things you are: challenges with breastfeeding, sleeping through the night, introducing solids, learning to crawl, and the first word. As for other activities – whether a gathering in someone’s home or an outing – as a member, you are always welcome to come and bring your baby of course. Many of us realize that MOMS Club® is as much for the moms as it is for the kids. So we encourage you to join so that you can socialize for yourself - that's what new moms need!
I work full-time, but I’d like to meet other moms. Can I join?
All mothers are welcome to join, though the schedule of activities and events cater to stay-at-home and part-time-working moms. That is, almost all MOMS Club® playgroups and events take place on weekdays, generally between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.
I don’t live in North Wales, Upper Gwynedd, or Montgomery Township, but I have a friend in your club. Can I join MOMS Club® of North Wales?
MOMS Club® International sets boundaries for each individual chapter for a few reasons. First, as the children get to know each other while they are growing up, many of them will end up attending the same school when they live nearby to each other. Second, from a practical standpoint, it is more convenient for meetings, playgroups, and other gatherings that members all live within a few miles of each other. If you live outside of the areas noted above, please contact MOMS Club® International to be connected with a MOMS Club® in your community.
What is the $20 annual membership fee used for?
The bulk of our budget is used towards service projects to support our community. Our chapter pays a small fee to MOMS Club® International, and some funds are used for administrative expenses (room rental for meetings, photocopies, postage for mailings, etc.). In previous years, we have adopted a family in the local area to provide food for a Thanksgiving dinner. We have also donated to MOMS Club® International to pay the fees for a chapter in Africa.